Human rights and common law, prevention of human rights, informational self-
determination, information and privacy, personal data protection, deletion of
personal data, human rights violations, enforcement of human rightsMENSCHENRECHTE UND EINFACHES RECHT
Menschenrechte und Einfaches Recht, Menschenrechtsverhinderung, Informelle
Selbstbestimmung, Persoenlicher Datenschutz, Loeschung persoenlicher Daten,
Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Menschenrechtserzwingung
Derechos humanos y derecho común, impedimiento de derechos humanos,
autodeterminación informativa, protección de datos personales, borradura
de datos personales, violaciones de derechos humanos,
enforzamiento de derechos humanos
Many states signed the international agreements on human rights, but impede or prevent enjoying and enforcing them by common law. If common law, for instance, allows to legally destroy the personal data and files of the victims of human rights violations, the enjoyment and enforcement of human rights are not guaranteed. Therefore I like to ask the United Nations, the international Human Rights Organizations and the national Parliaments and Governments, 1) to scrutinize the common law of all countries if it guarantees the enjoyment and the enforcement of humanrights, and 2) to take steps in order to establish a new constitutional and independent human right: The citizens's sovereignty to dispose of his personal data and files himself.