world can't go on like this!
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Universal Ethic's Campaign

Forum on Universal Ethics    (Moderated, max.1000 characters)
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2014-01-18 20:00:35, Mexico
Nahua wrote:
No problem with Christianism either:
2014-01-16 12:12:24, Pakistan
Ali wrote:
Since Allah created biology, there is no problem with Islam.
2014-01-05 23:19:14, Spain
Enno Winkler wrote:
In reply to Jiarui:
We humans are all children of the earth. Our existence is conditioned -and limited- by common human biology, common social biology and common locational biology (earth and its vicinity), implying also common underlying ethics in order to ensure and further our existence (ethics based on natural law).
A code of universal ethics is like the uniform trunk of a tree, but with different branches, leaves and blossoms that emerge from it and symbolize specific ethical rules, according to the cultural and evolutionary context.
2014-01-04 14:33:52, United Kingdom
Elizabeth wrote:
Globalization is a process of homogenization, isn\'t it?
2014-01-03 12:05:30, China
Jiarui wrote:
Right and wrong, good and bad, in short: ethics, are relative and tied to the cultural and evolutionary context of each country or human community. Universality would require the homogenization of mankind, a process implying loss of diversity, exclusions, annihilations and even wars.
2012-11-13 20:27:56, Spain
Enno Winkler wrote:
Human Rights Action so far is not supported by sponsors.
2012-11-13 19:17:34, Paraguay
BBPY wrote:
Do you believe you can improve the world? Don\'t talk bullshit! Spend the money of your sponsors for a better purpose!
2012-09-10 15:58:10, Germany
Anonymous wrote:
There is a pragmatic need for a universal ethics in a globalized world. However, where ‎money is the first value (everybody looking for “easy” money), ‎prince-like administrative power the second, and religious and ideological absolutism ‎the third, there is a lack of moral motivation. ‎
That makes it difficult to communicate a project of universal ethics.
Only early ‎education in democratic ethics and the support by individuals and institutions with ‎worldwide impact can overcome this situation.‎
2012-07-09 21:55:31, United States
Global Observer wrote:
Torture and murder of children - not only in Syria. Drug killings- not only in Mexico. Terrorism - not only in Afghanistan. Religious fanaticism - not only in Iran. Racism – not only in Israel. Despotism and lack of civil rights - not only in North Korea. Lack of democratic justice - not only in Zimbabwe. Corrupt bankers, politicians and syndicalists - not only in Spain. Big companies frauds
- not only in the USA. Hunger - not only in the Sahel. Pollution - not only in China. Nuclear irresponsibility - not only in Japan.
If human race is not willing to accept basic ethics in common, it will become extinct by ‎way of its own behaviour, well before any cosmic, terrestrial, epidemic or genetic ‎disaster, as Winkler recently said in the Huffington Post.‎
2012-04-03 14:45:24, Spain
Enno Winkler wrote:
Geoffrey Haselhurst e-mailed me from Australia: “I do respect your intent, and the ‎simplicity of the message. You are correct, the principles that underpin human ‎behaviour must be simple and universal, basically they must be true. You are also ‎correct that the human world cannot continue its current path, the destruction of Nature ‎will not allow this, thus my only conclusion is that a collapse is coming, and this is ‎unavoidable.” ‎
Thank you for your comment, Geoff! I like to add: Simplicity does not mean ‎be simplistic. The seemingly simple code of ethics is in fact the essence of more than ‎‎4,000 years of intuition, life experience and religious, social and philosophical thinking of all ‎humanity. It is universal and practicable. In contrast, the so far existing voluminous ‎drafts of global ethics are not practicable. How can people walk through life with ‎philosophical treatises under the arm which they even do not understand? And as to the ‎sectoral codes: Can people be ethical in business, while otherwise ‎be unethical? How ‎many codes are needed to cover all professions, companies, social communities, etc.?‎
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