universal-ethics     Life is the great moment of all of us. (Michel Quoist)                                                             

Global universal ethics education

The world can't go on like this!

Human behavior is determined in early childhood. Please sign the universal ethics campaign that endeavours include the following intercultural and interfaith code of ethics into the compulsory school education of all countries.

Universal Ethics:


Each human being is endowed with personal dignity.
His liberty finds its limits where the dignity of the other begins.
State, religious, economic and other office holders are in his service


1) Respect the other as yourself.
2) Do not lie.
3) Do not steal.
4) Respect life.
5) Protect nature.


The violation of these principles and commandments is subject to social scorn and punishment under equal rules and law for everybody.  

 Please sign here:  First Name:       Family Name:         Country:



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Forum on Universal Ethics (Moderated)
A systematic theory of universal ethics
Links on Universal Ethics